Article I - Membership

Section A: Categories of Membership

The Association shall have the following five categories of membership:

  1. Individual Membership.  An individual member holds all rights and privileges of membership in the Association.  An individual   member may vote on all matters requiring a vote of membership. If otherwise qualified, an individual member may hold office in the Association. Individual members shall be at least 18 years old.
  2. Family Membership. Parents and their children under the age of  18   are eligible for a family membership.   Family membership  confers upon each member of a family all  of  the rights  and  privileges  of  individual  membership  in   the Association, accept that those family members under 18  years of  age  shall not be entitled to vote or to hold  office  in the Association.
  3. Student Membership. A student in an institute of higher education is eligible for student membership.  A student member holds all rights and privileges of an individual membership.  A student member is eligible to vote and hold office in the Association if he is 18 years of age or older.
  4. Student Family Membership. A student in an institution of higher education, the student’s spouse and children under the age of 18 are eligible for student family membership. Student  family  membership confers on  each  member  of  the student   family  all  of  the  rights  and   privileges   of individual  in  the  Association, accept that  those  student family member under 18 years of age shall not be entitled  to vote or to hold office in the Association.
  5. Honorary Membership. Any person may be awarded an honorary membership in the Association on the basis of outstanding services and contribution to the Association.  Honorary membership is awarded solely by the discretion of the Executive Council. Honorary members   shall   have   all privileges of individual members, accept that   honorary members shall not vote or hold office in the Association.
  6. Senior Membership.  Persons older than 65 years of age are eligible for Senior Membership.  A senior member holds all rights and privileges of membership in the Association.  A senior member may vote on all matters requiring a vote of membership. If otherwise qualified, a senior member may hold office in the Association.
  7. Emeritus Membership.   Persons older than 75 years of age are eligible for Emeritus Membership.  An emeritus member holds all rights and privileges of membership in the Association.  An emeritus member may vote on all matters requiring a vote of membership. If otherwise qualified, an emeritus member may hold office in the Association.
Section B: Membership Requirements

Any person who is essentially in agreement with the purposes of the Association as stated in its articles of incorporation may be admitted to membership. An applicant  for  membership shall   file   the  designated  application  form   with   the chairperson   of  the  Membership  committee   and   pay   the prescribed  membership  dues. At meetings of the Executive Council, the names of the applicants for membership shall be considered as in effect from the day on which dues were first paid.  Membership to any person shall not be denied on the basis of religion, race, color, national origin or sex.

Section C: Dues
  1. Payment Date. Members shall pay their dues on or before January 1 each year. No dues shall be pro-rated for  any  portion  of a year. Annual membership is prescribed  for  the period  from  January  1  to December  31  in  the  Gregorian calendar.  Dues paid after October 1 are effective for the following year.
  2. Effect of Non-Payment of dues. A member who has not paid his/her dues by January 1 shall be ineligible to hold office or to vote at any meeting until his/her dues have been paid.  If a member has not paid his/her dues by April 1 of any year,  his/her membership in the Association shall terminate automatically.
  3. Amount of dues. Annual dues of members  in  the  several membership categories are as follows:
    Individual $30.00
    Family $50.00
    Senior $20.00*
    Honorary None
    Corporate (1 Year)
    (2 Years)


  4. Increases & decreases in dues. The Executive Council may propose increases or decreases in dues to the membership of the Association. A simple majority vote by the voting members of the Association on such a proposal is required to increase or decrease the amount of membership dues.
Section D: Termination of Membership
  1. Termination for cause. If it should come to the attention of  the  Membership Committee or the Executive  Council  that any  member  has acted in a way contrary to the purposes  and general  policy of the Association, or in such a  way  as  to bring  discredit on the Association, the Membership Committee shall  meet to consider the matter with the President.  After consideration, if the Membership Committee finds  that  there is  no basis to the charges, the matter shall be closed.  If, however, the charges are found to be substantially true,  the member  shall  be requested to appear before  the  Membership Committee  and the President for a hearing on the charges  no sooner  than  two  weeks nor later than four  weeks.  At  the conclusion  of the hearing, if the charges are found  by  the Membership  Committee  to  be untrue,  the  matter  shall  be closed.  If, however, the charges are found to be  true,  the President shall than recommend to the Executive Council  that the  member  be dismissed. The Executive Council  may  accept the  recommendation  for dismissal by  two-thirds  majority vote of those present and voting.Any  decision  by the Executive Council to dismiss  a  member must  then be ratified by a two-thirds majority vote  of  the membership  at  a  meeting before such  a  dismissal  becomes final.  If at any time during this proceedings  the  member shall  resign from the Association, the resignation shall  be accepted and the matter shall be dropped.
  2. Termination for Non-Payment of Dues. Membership shall be terminated  for non-payment of dues according  the provision of Article I, Section C.

Article II- Membership Meetings

Section A: Annual Meetings

An  annual meeting of members of the Association shall be held in January each year. The annual meeting shall be known as The General Assembly of the T.A.A.C.O., and shall be  held  at  a time  and  place determined by the Executive Council.  At the annual  meeting, the Executive council shall adopt  a  program and  budget  for  the ensuing fiscal year, and  consider  such other business properly before it. At an annual meeting of  an odd  numbered year the members of the Association shall elect members  of the Executive Council according the provisions  of Article  VI of these by-laws. Annual meetings shall be chaired by a  member  elected from the floor for the  period  of  the meeting.

Section B: Special Meetings

Special  meetings  of the members of the  Association  may  be called  by the President or by the request of one-third  (1/3) of the members of the Association.

Section C: Notice

Notice  of special meetings and annual meetings must be  given to members at least two (2) weeks prior to such meeting.

Section D: Voting

A  simple majority vote of the members present at any  meeting shall  be  required  for  a measure to pass  unless  otherwise specified in these regulations.

Section E: Quorum

The  physical presence of one quarter (1/4) of the voting  and duly paid members of the Association shall constitute a quorum at a special meeting or an annual meeting.

Section F: Agenda

The  Executive Council shall formulate an agenda  which  shall include,  but  not be limited to, a program  plan,  an  annual budget,  an annual reports of the committees or officers,  and other  important  business.  In formulating  the  agenda,  the Executive Council shall consider the recommendations of voting members prior to the annual meeting.

A  proposed agenda shall be sent to all members at  least  two (2)  weeks  before  the annual meeting. A  majority  of  those present and voting at the annual meeting shall be required for addition  to  the agenda of subjects, other than  the  program plan,  annual  budget, and annual reports of  the  committees, election  of  officers and members of the  Executive  Council. Other  proposals for the agenda or suggestions  regarding  the program  plan,  annual  budget, or  annual  reports  specified above, may be considered at an annual meeting, provided that a majority  vote  at  such  meeting  agrees   to  consider   the proposals  or  suggestions. A majority vote  is  required  for adoption of the proposals or suggestions onto the agenda.

Article III- Board of Trustees and Officers: The Executive Council

Section A: Executive Council

The board of trustees of the Association shall be known as the Executive  Council  of the T.A.A.C.O.. The  Executive  Council shall  consist  of  seven  (7)  members  who  shall  hold  the following offices and titles:

  1. President
  2. Vice President
  3. Secretary
  4. Treasurer
  5. Director of Social Affairs
  6. Director of Cultural Affairs
  7. Director of Public Relations and Liaison
Section B: Duities of the Officers and Members of the Executive Council:
  1. President. The President shall preside at all Executive meetings of the Association. He/she may, in the absence of the Treasurer, sign or endorse checks, drafts, and notes.  He/she shall be an ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee. He/she shall have  such  usual  powers  of supervision  and management as may pertain to the  Office  of the  President  and  perform such  other  duties  as  may  be designated  by  the  Executive  Council.  He/she shall not   be eligible to serve more than two (2) consecutive full terms.
  2. Vice President. The Vice President, in the event  of  the absence,  disability,  or  death  of  the  President,   shall possess  all  the powers and perform all the duties  of  that office. The Vice President together with the President shall act as the general coordinator/director for the activities of the other Executive Committee members and perform such other duties as the President may designate.
  3. Secretary.  The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all meetings of the Association and the Executive Council.  He/she shall  notify  all  officers and  members  of  the  Executive Council  of their election and shall perform other  functions as  may  be incidental to his office. He/she shall sign with the President, all contracts and other instruments as authorized by the Executive Council.
  4. Treasurer.  The Treasurer shall keep accounts of the Association’s monies and financial transactions.  He/she shall collect and receive all monies due. He/she shall be custodian of the Association’s monies and shall deposit them in a bank designated by the Executive Council. He/she shall disburse such monies only upon order of the Executive Council.  He/she shall present statements to the Executive Council at their regular meetings and audited annual report at the annual meeting.
  5. Director of Social Affairs. The Director of Social Affairs shall  plan,  prepare  and administer social  activities  and shall  have  such other powers and perform such other  duties as   prescribed  by  the  Executive  Council.  He/she   shall cooperate with the Directors of Cultural Affairs and Public Relations to carry out these activities whenever necessary.
  6. Director of Cultural Affairs. The Director of Cultural Affairs   shall   plan,   prepare and administer   cultural activities and shall have such other powers and perform such other duties as prescribed by the Executive Council.  He/she shall cooperate with the Directors of Social and Public Relations to carry out these activities, whenever necessary.

During  the first week of January of each year, the Treasurer shall  prepare  and  submit to the President  and  Membership Committee  a  list of all members who have not paid  dues  by January  1.  During the first week of April  each  year,  the Treasurer shall prepare and submit to the president  and  the Membership  Committee a list of all persons whose memberships have terminated for non-payment of dues.

Section C: Powers and Duties of The Executive Council

The  Executive Council shall have full charge of the  property and  the  business  of  the Association with  full  power  and authority  to  manage  and conduct the  same  subject  to  the instructions  and  approval  of  the  membership  at   general meetings  by  a majority vote of the members at the  meetings. The  Council  shall  be authorized to receive  gifts,  trusts, deeds,  bequests,  and other property of whatever  description for,   and  in  the  name  of,  the  Association  for   civic, charitable,  scientific, literary, educational,  and  cultural purposes  that  further  the purposes of  the  Association  as stated  in  its  Articles  of   Incorporation.  The  Executive Council shall plan and direct the work necessary to carry  out the  programs adopted by the Association members at an  annual meeting  to further the purposes of the Association as  stated in its Articles of Incorporation.

The   Executive  Council  shall  create  and  designate   such committees  and their chairperson, task forces, and appointive positions  as  it  may deem necessary. The Executive  Council, upon  a  proposition by the President at the end of its  first year  of  term  during January of each odd year following  the even  year elections, with mutual agreement of the members  or the  Executive  Council shall have the power to  reassign  the officers  within the Executive Council for the  remaining  one year  of  its term. Such reassignments are not a must but  may only  be  undertaken  if  deemed  necessary  because  of   the circumstances. The reassignment of officers is  restricted  to the  seven  members  of the Executive Council  who  have  been elected  to  the  Executive Council  at  the  previous  year’s elections. Any reassignments must be agreed to by a  unanimous vote  within  the  Executive  Council.  The  offices  of   the Presidency  and  the  Vice Presidency can  only  be  exchanged between  the elected President and  Vice President. All  other reassignments  can take place among the rest of  the  officers only.  The  power  of  such reassignment of  its  officers  is granted  to  the  Executive  Council  automatically  upon  its election.

Section D: Meetings

The  Executive  Council shall hold at least  six  (6)  regular meetings  every year. The President may call special meetings. The President shall call special meetings upon written request of three Executive Council members.

Section E: Quorum

A  majority  of  the  members of the Executive  Council  shall constitute a quorum.

Article IV - Standing Committees, Task Force Members and Individual Appointees

Section A: Standing Committees

The  standing  committees  of  the  Association  shall  be  as follows:

  1. Audit Committee: Two (2) members;
  2. Nominating Committee: Three (3) members. All  members to the Audit and Nominating Committees shall  be elected   by  General  Assembly  immediately  following   the election of an Executive Council in an even number year.  The Executive Council may designate other committees as  it  sees necessary  and  appoint  chairpersons  to  those  committees. Members  of  such  committees  shall  be  selected   by   the appointed chairpersons.
Section B: Task Force Members

For  the purpose of carrying out specific projects or programs of  the  Association, the Executive Council  may  create  task forces and appoint members to such task forces.

Section C: Individual Appointees

The  Executive Council may appoint members of the  Association to  positions  such  as, but not limited to,  parliamentarian, education advisor, and publication editor. Such persons may be referred  to  as  “Appointed Officers” at the  option  of  the Executive Council.

Section D: Publication Editor

The  Publication Editor may attend any meeting  and  may  make expressions   of   opinion  on  any  matter   concerning   the Association  in  the appropriate official publication  of  the Association. The Publication Editor may print the written  and oral comments of members, with their permission, to the extent that the comments are consistent with the Articles and By-Laws of the Association.

Section E: General Responsibilities of Committee Chairpersons, Task Force Members, Individual Appointees, and the Publication Editor

Each  member appointed by the Executive Council to serve as  a committee chairperson, on a task force, as publication editor, or to any other position shall be responsible to the Executive Council  for  his  or  her  official  activities.  Each   such appointee  shall  carry out the assignments of  the  Executive Council  and shall abide by all standard operating  procedures prescribed for the appointee’s job description.

Section F: Removal of Appointees

By  a  majority vote, the Executive Council may remove any  of its  appointees where the Executive Council deems such removal to be in the best interest of the Association.

Article V - Finances

Section A: Sources of Income

Income  for  the  Association may be derived  from  membership dues,  gifts,  contributions, fund-raising efforts  and  other sources  that  do  not conflict with the non-profit  corporate status or tax exemption of the Association.

Section B: Fiscal Year

The accounts of the Association shall be kept on a fiscal year beginning  on the first day of March and ending  on  the  28th (29th) of February each year.

Section C: Budget

A budget for the ensuing fiscal year shall be submitted to the membership by the Executive Council at the annual meeting  for adoption. The budget shall include support for the programs of the  Association.  The Executive Council may   make  necessary adjustments  to  any  items within a  budget  which  has  been accepted by the membership.

Section D: Expenses

Reimbursement  shall  be made for valid expenses  incurred  by officers  and  other  members of the  Association  where  such expenses  are  directly  attributable  to  carrying  out   the official business of the Association. Reimbursements for  such expenses are subject to the approval of the Executive Council.

Section E: Financial Regulations

The  Executive Council shall issue, when necessary,  financial regulations to govern the receipt of money, the expenditure of financial  resources  and the use of assets.  These  financial regulations  shall  be  in  such form  as  to  provide  proper accountability  to  the  membership  in  regard  to   detailed financial operations, to optimize the expenditure of funds and to prevent the misuse of assets of the Association.

Section F: Audits

The accounts of the Association shall be audited at least once a year by the Audit Committee.

Article VI - Nominations and Elections

Section A: Elections and Assumption of Duties

The  seven (7) Executive Council Officers shall be elected for a  two  (2)  year  term at the annual meeting of  the  General Assembly  in  January  of  each odd  numbered  year.  Elected officers shall take office on March 1 of the election year.

Section B: Nominating Committee

The  Nominating Committee shall consist of three  (3)  members none  of  whom can be from the Executive Council.  Nominations for  these  positions  shall be made from  the  floor  by  the general membership immediately following the election  of  the new  Executive  Council. Nominations for the officers  of  the next  Executive  Council may be sent to the committee  by  any voting  member of the Association during the period  of  three (3)  months prior to the due time of the next elections.  Such nominations  shall be given considerations by  the  Nominating Committee  when  the  slate  is  made  up  by  the  Nominating Committee.

Section  C:  Nominating Committee Report and Nominations  From the Floor

The Nominating Committee shall prepare a report, naming one or more  candidates  for each office to be filled,  securing  the consent  of  the candidates, and providing short  biographical information on the candidates. The report shall be sent to all members (within one month prior to, but no later than one week before  the  annual meeting at which an election  is  due).  A summary  of  the  report  shall be  presented  at  the  annual meeting. Immediately following the presentation of the summary report,  nominations may be made from the floor by any  voting member, provided the consent of the nominee has been secured.

Section D: Elections

Elections shall be by ballot, provided that when there is  but one nominee for any office, the Secretary may be instructed to cast  one  ballot  for each such nominee. To be  elected,  any nominee  must  receive a majority of the votes  cast  for  his office.  Where no candidate receives a majority, the  two  (2) candidates  with  the highest number of votes  shall  then  be considered  again  by ballot. Absentee or proxy  voting  shall not be permitted.

Section E: Vacancies in the Executive Council

In  the  event a vacancy occurs in any office other  that  the presidency  and  vice  presidency, caused  by  resignation  or otherwise,  the Executive Council shall appoint  a  person  to complete  the  unexpired terms of the vacant  office.  If  the office  of  the President is vacant, the Vice President  shall automatically  succeed  to  the  presidency.   If   the   vice presidency is vacant, the new Vice President must be appointed by  the  Executive Council from among the rest of the  elected members of the Executive Council. The new vacancy thus created is then filled by an appointment.

Section F: Vacancies in the Nominating and Audit Committees

In the event the number of members in the Nominating Committee and   the  Audit  Committee  drops  to  one  (1)  because   of resignations or otherwise, the Executive Council shall appoint members  to these committees to complete the number of members to  those  required by Article IV, Section  A.  The  appointed members can not be from the Executive Council.

Article VII - Amendments

These By-Laws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the voting  members  present  at a meeting  of  the  members.  Any proposed amendment must be submitted to the Executive  Council in  writing at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting  of the members, at which time it will be considered.

Article VIII - Miscellaneous

Unless inconsistent with the Articles of Incorporation and By- Laws of the Association, Robert’s of Order will govern matters of procedure in the conduct of the affairs and meetings of the Association.






1- This amendment is made and accepted
on October 1st, 2015.

2- The Bylaws is amended as follows:
Article I
Section A: Categories of Membership
6-Senior Membership. Persons older than 65 years of age are eligible for Senior Membership. A senior member holds all rights and privileges of membership in the Association. A senior member may vote on all matters requiring a vote of membership. If otherwise qualified, a senior member may hold office in the Association.

3- Except as set forth in this Amendment, the Bylaws is unaffected and shall continue in full force and effect in accordance with its terms. If there is conflict between this Amendment and the Bylaws, this Amendment will prevail.




1- This amendment is made and accepted
on October 8th, 2015.

2- The Bylaws is amended as follows:
Article I
Section C: Dues
3. Amount of dues. Annual dues of members  in  the  several membership categories are as follows and effective January 1st, 2017:

Senior………………………...$20.00 (per person)
Business Membership………$75.00 (for one year) and $125.00 (for two years)
Honorary…………………….. NONE

Student, student family and Emetitus membership categories have been eliminated.

3-Except as set forth in this Amendment, the Bylaws is unaffected and shall continue in full force and effect in accordance with its terms. If there is conflict between this Amendment and the Bylaws, this Amendment will prevail.





1- This amendment is made and accepted
on October 8th, 2015.

2- The Bylaws is amended as follows:
Article I
Section C: Dues
3. Amount of dues. Annual dues of members  in  the  several membership categories are as follows and effective January 1st, 2017:

Senior………………………...$20.00 (per person)
Business Membership………$75.00 (for one year) and $125.00 (for two years)
Honorary…………………….. NONE

Student, student family and Emetitus membership categories have been eliminated.

3-Except as set forth in this Amendment, the Bylaws is unaffected and shall continue in full force and effect in accordance with its terms. If there is conflict between this Amendment and the Bylaws, this Amendment will prevail.